charly bliss

September 14th, 2024 | Shot by: Carrie Bergan

This past Saturday, Charly Bliss hit up the X-Ray Arcade in Cudahy, Wisconsin. The X-Ray is a
barcade that hosts various events from concerts to rummage sales to weddings. I personally had
never heard of either band playing that night and the photo gig was a semi-last minute decision. I
was absolutely not disappointed at all.
Rafaella kicked off the night and from her soulful voice to the lyrics, she got the crowd’s vocals
warmed up. People were singing and jumping along to her set. It was just a two act set so Charly
Bliss was up next. The stage darkened for their grand entrance and they came out swinging. Lead
vocalist Eva Hendricks was putting her blood, sweat, and tears into every single word. They were
fun, high energy, and she was not staying still.
The band even gave a shout-out to a fan side stage and it was her first concert ever! They dedicated
a song just to her and I know that it probably made her night. She’s going to remember this. This is
only the start to her concert addiction but knowing her dad (we’re kind of friends lol) I think he’ll be
more than okay with it. He’s also a concert photographer.
While I did not unfortunately know any of the songs so I could not sing along, I did know their
encore. They ended their set by playing I’m Not Okay by My Chemical Romance and it was a good
cover. I’m a fan for sure, sold on that note!
They’re still on tour so make sure to grab a ticket to see them. However, if you don’t see them before
September 29th, you won’t get to see Rafaella open for them. They’ll have a different opener then,
but I’m sure they’ll bring their A-game to every show as well.
What are you waiting for? Get that ticket!
